
July 5, 2022

Pea Shoot Salad

I stumbled across pea shoots a year ago while searching for garnish options for a dish I was shooting last summer. I have loved them and grab them whenever I can find them ever since. They’re light, crisp, and refreshing, and of course, have a light pea taste.


Pea shoots are the young leaves and tendrils of a pea plant.


Obviously, a farmer’s market during the very short season they have (spring). But, I can find them often in Whole Foods or a similarly aligned grocery store near the micro greens section in the produce department.



I like to wrap my pea shoots in paper towels and store in the crisper drawer in the refrigerator. I prefer not to wash them until I’m ready to use. They do have a short lifespan - a couple of days, up to a week, for optimal freshness. However, they do NOT last long in my house. I add them to everything!


I like to add raw pea shoots into my salad - they add crunch and a delicate pea flavor that I enjoy. Also use them in sandwiches: my fave sandwich is an egg, proscuitto, and pea shoots on a brioche baguette. Outstanding. You can absolutely cook pea shoots - I would saute similarly to spinach and add garlic for a side.

And, of course, you can absolutely throw them in your favorite green smoothie.


Pea shoots are small but are quite the nutritional powerhouse while also being nutrient dense. Pea shoots contain Vitamin C, A, and high levels of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. They are also a good source of plant based protein and fiber.

Give them a try!

Pea Shoot Salad

A surprisingly satiating salad to add to your repertoire.


The Queenship











For the salad:

  • pea shoots
  • little gem lettuce
  • cherry tomatoes
  • cucumbers
  • avocado
  • cilantro
  • lemon
  • crunchy chili oil
  • s&p

For the shrimp:

  • shrimp
  • olive oil
  • garlic powder
  • s&p

Tools needed:

  • skillet
  • bowl
  • knife
  • cutting board


  1. Add shrimp to a bowl, drizzle with olive oil to coat, and season with garlic powder, crushed red pepper flakes, and s&p.
  2. Heat a skillet over medium high heat.
  3. Add shrimp to skillet and cook for approximately 2 minutes on each side. (Depending on the size of your shrimp).
  4. Set aside, reserving the flavored oil, and begin to assemble the salad.
  5. Add pea shoots and little gem lettuce to a bowl.
  6. Add tomatoes, cucumbers and avocado.
  7. Top the shrimp and avocado.
  8. Drizzle the oil from the shrimp and the chili oil over top.
  9. A quick squeeze of lemon and garnish with cilantro.
  10. Season with sea salt and fresh cracked black pepper.
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